
Today, Chicago is still trying to take advantage of the rail system. In 2011, submitted the Chicago Railroad Economic Opportunity Plan acknowledging that since the 19th century, Chicago and its surrounding region have functioned as the primary hub of the North American freight rail network. The region is the only metropolitan area in North America served by every Class of railroad and one out of every four freight rail shipments originate, terminate, or pass through the area.

Map of Chicago railroads in 2019.

The Chicago Railroad Economic Plan report states that “While carload rail access was once common, it has now substantially diminished, if not disappeared entirely, in many North American cities. However, in Chicago, thanks to its historical development patterns, the city's extensive active rail network, and the region's geography, this type of rail access still exists at many industrial properties. This rail access offers the City of Chicago a unique opportunity for industrial development that is not available in competing urban areas.” Showing once again, that the city is trying to exploit its unique rail freight infrastructure for economic development.

Picture of Chicago and abandoned railroads today.

Even though today many Chicago railroads are defunct today, it was the railroad system that made Chicago one the greatest cities in the world and continues to be today.